All Entries Tagged With: "Carla Scranton"
Honkers and Chamber Board Welcome New PCDI Director
The Lamar Chamber Honkers and Chamber Board members welcomed Lance Benninghoff to Lamar and to his new position as PCDI Director. Benninghoff was recently selected as the new Economic Development Director for Prowers County Development Incorporated. Benninghoff has strong ties to southeast Colorado and was most recently employed as a political analyst for the Department […]
Robbins, Lusher, Brase Elected to PCDI Board
New board of director members to Prowers County Development Incorporated were elected during the economic development group’s annual banquet and meeting, Wednesday, February 27, at the Rodeway Cow Palace Inn. Lawrence Brase was re-elected as a board member and Larry Lusher of Farmer-Stockman Realty & Auction LLP and Rick Robbins of Colorado Mills were […]
PCDI Annual Meeting Scheduled
The Prowers County Development Incorporated annual meeting and banquet is scheduled for Wednesday, February 27 in the Rodeway Cow Palace Inn courtyard. The annual meeting will begin in 7pm and be preceded by a cash bar cocktail and conversation get-together. The dinner will follow the meeting and begin at 7:30pm. Besides the annual report […]
County Lodging Panel Seeks New Board Members
No event funding requests were presented to the Prowers County Lodging Tax Panel during their monthly meeting, Tuesday, January 15, although funds were appropriated from their 2013 budget for the annual concert at the Sand and Sage Fair, the annual Snow Goose Festival and payment for the Lamar Chamber of Commerce website in the […]
Prowers Lodging Panel is Looking for a Logo
What one image best represents Prowers County? That will be the basic criteria for a logo being sought to represent the Prowers County Lodging Tax Panel. The organization has been without one since it was organized over five years ago. Board members suggested holding a county-wide contest during their monthly meeting, Tuesday, October 16 […]
Lodging Panel Funds Okotoberfest Car Show/Rod Run
The Prowers County Lodging Tax Panel approved a $1,000 funding request from Ron and Lana Cook for a Car Show/Poker Run during this year’s Oktoberfest in Lamar. The money will be used to advertise the car show for regional participants and the registration proceeds from the event will be donated to the annual, local Toys […]