Dear Editor: Savages Under Attack – Again

Letters to the Editor (4)


Dear Editor:

I also attended ‘the meeting’ to discuss the continued use of the name and mascot Savages for Lamar High School. ‘The meeting’ began with why they (the commission) were here and the purpose of their meeting.  Ernest House, the Executive Sec. explained that they weren’t here to tell us what to do or that we couldn’t continue with the name and Savage mascot, but rather to have an open and frank discussion in order to come to a better understanding of each other.  And, that they have come to realize that they (the commission) probably needed to change their approach from the past which seemed to be threatening to the communities with indian names and mascots.  To me, that means the mission remains the same and the only thing that has changed is the approach.  And regarding comments of how barbaric, offensive, degrading and genocidal the name/mascot ‘Savages’ is-that is pure PC nonsense.  I would think that the time spent with our board member and administrators when they (the commission) went to the high school and Savage Stadium would he convinced them of that.

The REAL purpose of this meeting was nothing more than a continuing invasion of our personal rights by them trying to tell us who and what we can and cannot have as a name or mascot. This is nothing more than political correctness run amuck.  And, PC has no purposeful meaning or use other than to divide and demonize people, communities and that those things which unite us.  I have yet, in my lifetime to hear from one former Savage or LHS alumni say or think that we should change our name or mascot.  If we had ‘wanted to’ we would have by now.  We have been the Savages for well over 100 years.  We are not breaking any law or rule and therefore do not nor will we ever have to change the name Savages unless WE want to.  It comes down to the will of the people in our community to make that decision.  So, the ONLY REAL decision is whether or not we buckle to political correctness or exercise jour first amendment rights and stand firm as proud Lamar Savages.


Pat Gittings – Proud Savage
Paseo Place, Lamar, CO
LHS, Class of 1968

Filed Under: Letters to the Editor

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