USDA Grain Stocks Report– DECEMBER 1, 2015

 Colorado Department of Agriculture



All corn stocks in Colorado on December 1, 2015 were 90.31 million bushels, down 12 percent from December 1, 2014, according to the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. All corn stocks stored on farms amounted to 49.00 million bushels, down 22 percent from a year ago. All corn stored off farms amounted to 41.31 million bushels, up 4 percent from a year ago. Off-farm sorghum stocks were 6.54 million bushels, up 147 percent from December 1, 2014. Off-farm oat stocks in Colorado were estimated at 99,000 bushels, up 11 percent from last year. Off-farm barley stocks totaled 5.46 million bushels, down 26 percent from last year.

All wheat stocks in Colorado on December 1, 2015 were 48.51 million bushels, up 11 percent from December 1, 2014. All wheat stocks stored on farms amounted to 13.00 million bushels, up 8 percent from a year ago. All wheat stored off farms amounted to 35.51 million bushels, up 11 percent from a year ago. Off-farm soybean stocks totaled 250,000 bushels, down 3 percent from last year. Other Colorado grain stocks were not published separately to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.

Colorado’s on-farm storage capacity totaled 170.00 million bushels on December 1, 2015, unchanged from the December 1, 2014 estimate. Capacity of off-farm commercial grain storage in Colorado totaled 127.00 million bushels on December 1, 2015, up 2 percent from December 1, 2014.



Corn stored in all positions on December 1, 2015 totaled 11.2 billion bushels, up slightly from December 1, 2014. Of the total stocks, 6.83 billion bushels are stored on farms, down 4 percent from a year earlier. Off-farm stocks, at 4.38 billion bushels, are up 6 percent from a year ago. The September – November 2015 indicated disappearance is 4.12 billion bushels, compared with 4.24 billion bushels during the same period last year.

Grain sorghum stored in all positions on December 1, 2015 totaled 314 million bushels, up 41 percent from a year ago. On-farm stocks, at 51.5 million bushels, are up 69 percent from December 1 last year. Off-farm stocks, at 263 million bushels, are up 37 percent from a year earlier. The September – November 2015 indicated disappearance from all positions is 301 million bushels, up 23 percent from the same period in 2014.

Oats stored in all positions on December 1, 2015 totaled 82.9 million bushels, up 24 percent from the stocks on December 1, 2014. Of the total stocks on hand, 36.8 million bushels are stored on farms, up 17 percent from a year ago. Off-farm stocks totaled 46.1 million bushels, up 29 percent from the previous year. Indicated disappearance during September – November 2015 totaled 11.0 million bushels.

Barley stored in all positions on December 1, 2015 totaled 181 million bushels, up 16 percent from December 1, 2014. On-farm stocks are estimated at 96.7 million bushels, 30 percent above a year ago. Off-farm stocks, at 84.5 million bushels, are 3 percent above December 2014. The September – November 2015 indicated disappearance is 37.8 million bushels, 60 percent above the same period a year earlier.

All wheat stored in all positions on December 1, 2015 totaled 1.74 billion bushels, up 14 percent from a year ago. On-farm stocks are estimated at 503 million bushels, up 6 percent from last December. Off-farm stocks, at 1.23 billion bushels, are up 17 percent from a year ago. The September – November 2015 indicated disappearance is 359 million bushels, 5 percent below the same period a year earlier. 

Durum wheat stored in all positions on December 1, 2015 totaled 60.5 million bushels, up 37 percent from a year ago. On-farm stocks, at 35.7 million bushels, are up 49 percent from December 1, 2014. Off-farm stocks totaled 24.8 million bushels, up 23 percent from a year ago. The September – November 2015 indicated disappearance of 13.5 million bushels is 2 percent below the same period a year earlier.

Soybeans stored in all positions on December 1, 2015 totaled 2.71 billion bushels, up 7 percent from December 1, 2014. Soybean stocks stored on farms totaled 1.31 billion bushels, up 8 percent from a year ago. Off-farm stocks, at 1.41 billion bushels, are up 7 percent from last December. Indicated disappearance for September – November 2015 totaled 1.41 billion bushels, down 6 percent from the same period a year earlier.

Pulse crops stored in all positions on December 1, 2015 are: dry edible peas, 9.85 million cwt; lentils, 2.59 million cwt; Austrian winter peas, 118,000 cwt; all chickpeas, 1.79 million cwt; small chickpeas, 433,000 cwt; and large chickpeas, 1.35 million cwt.

The United States on-farm storage capacity totaled 13.2 billion bushels on December 1, 2015, up less than one percent from the revised December 1, 2014 estimate. Capacity of off-farm commercial grain storage in the United States totaled 11.0 billion bushels on December 1, 2015, up 3 percent from December 1, 2014.

For a full copy of the Grain Stocks report please visit For state specific questions please contact:


Filed Under: Prowers County


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