New Dorm for LCC Approved by State Board

LCC Plant mechanics Kurt Nieschburg and Kurt Milberger help get the future construction site "shovel ready" for work in early 2016.

LCC Plant mechanics Kurt Nieschburg and Kurt Milberger help get the future construction site “shovel ready” for work in early 2016.

(Lamar, Colorado; January 4, 2016)
The Lamar Community College Foundation is still chipping away at the College’s $1.25 m goal for the residence hall project. Beyond fundraising, the College and Foundation have made strides toward beginning the project in early 2016.

On December 9, the State Board for Community Colleges & Occupational Education voted to approve the project and its $1.25 m budget. This allowed the College to begin proceedings for bidding out the project.

On Tuesday, December 22, the project was added to the State construction bid site. From this point, LCC will hold a walk-through with potential general contractors on January 7 and will open final bids on January 28. If the bids come in at or below budget, the project will proceed. The College will review bids and documentation, expecting to make a final decision in early February.

Construction will then begin in late February or early March.

On LCC campus, LCC Plant mechanics Kurt Nieschburg and Kurt Milberger helped get the future construction site “shovel ready” for work in early 2016. Facilities crew members moved irrigation lines in preparation for LCC’s new residence hall directly north of Burch Residence Hall.

The LCC Foundation is now $164,936 from meeting its $1.25 million construction goal.

Additional funds raised for the project and revenue generated from student occupancy will be used to begin efforts to build a second unit in the near future.

To contribute to the project, support the Foundation, or learn more about Enterprise Zone contributions, contact Anne-Marie Crampton at 719.336.1520 or More information is also available at

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