State Population Grows by 100,000 by Recent Census
Russ Baldwin | Dec 29, 2015 | Comments 0
Colorado’s population increases by 100,986 – Current population is 5,456,574
DENVER – Thursday, Dec. 24, 2015 — State estimates were released by the US Census Bureau December 22, 2015 indicating that Colorado’s population increased by almost 101,000 between July 2014 and July 2015. Colorado’s population increase ranked 7th in the US behind Texas, Florida, California, Georgia, Washington and North Carolina. Since 2010, Colorado’s Population has increased by 408,320 ranking 8th in the US for total population change. Colorado was the second fastest growing state increasing by 1.89% behind North Dakota increasing by 2.28%. The US as a whole saw its population increase by .79%. The 10 fastest-growing states were in the South or West except for North Dakota.
Colorado’s increase is comprised of 32,000 in natural increase (births-deaths) and 68,000 in net migration. Colorado’s net migration rate was 12.4 persons per thousand. Colorado ranked 5th in total net migration over the period. Since 2010, Colorado’s growth from net migration has been 250,500 (5th in US) and from natural increase 169,500 (13th in US).
Housing unit growth has not kept up with new household formation especially in recent years. It is estimated that household formation was 45,300 in 2015 while new housing units were estimated to be 25,000. Since 2007 and the beginning of the recession Colorado household formation has outpaced housing unit growth by an estimated 128,000.
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