Toys for Tots Building Search
Russ Baldwin | Aug 21, 2015 | Comments 0
Darlene Lopez, director of the annual Toys for Tots campaign in Prowers County is asking for help in finding a permanent location in Lamar for her annual operation. Last year’s headquarters was at the Lincoln School and the year before she was at the Prowers County Annex, but had to move because the rooms were being repurposed.
“It’s hard to have to move each year because we have to adjust some of our operations to fit the available space. What I’d really like is a place that will allow us to work out of all year long,” she explained. The work involves compiling all the donated toys and sorting them out for age and gender as well as repairing or cleaning the used toys that can be salvaged. Unfortunately every year, many donated toys are broken or dirty to the point that they are simply tossed away as being unusable.
Lopez said what would work best would be just one heated large room with enough square footage to hold her operations and if possible, to have enough parking or an entry way for vehicles to load and unload the toys once she gets going for 2015 on Monday, October 5. If possible, the building would also be used for the annual holiday meal set up on December 24. This year’s Oktoberfest on October 3 will also feature the annual Car and Bike Show and Fun Run which helps raise funds and toys for the holiday give-away.
If anyone has a suggestion or a building that could meet her needs, call Darlene Lopez at 688-0167.
Filed Under: Business • City • community • Featured • Granada • History • Holly • Lamar • Prowers County • School • Wiley • Youth
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