Wagons for Sale at Sand and Sage Fair

Antique Buggy

Antique Buggy

History buffs and/or wagon enthusiasts can offer a silent bid on five wagons owned by Prowers County during the Sand and Sage Fair.

Commissioners Buxton-Andrade and Cook with Curator Scranton

Commissioners Buxton-Andrade and Cook with Curator Scranton

Last Tuesday, July 21st, commissioners Wendy Buxton-Andrade and Ron Cook, along with Big Timbers Museum curator, Kathleen Scranton, viewed seven wagons which have been parked outside on the south side of the Transportation Museum for the past several years. The wagons had been stored at the Prowers County Fairgrounds since their purchase around 2005. Most had been stored inside the Centennial building, but several were left outdoors due to lack of space.

Thirty wagons, buggies, carts and a 1901 Oldsmobile were purchased by the county for $67,848 from the estate of Fred Crussell in 2005-2006. Now, five are up for silent bid. Apparently they have not weathered as well as the majority of the collection and have a lesser historic significance than those in the main group of vehicles. The commissioners were estimating of the seven on hand, which two to keep and which five to sell.

The Prowers County Board of County Commissioners is accepting bids via Silent Auction for the following wagons/buggy:

1. Antique John Deere Two Board Farm Wagon, Est. 1910
Minimum bid: $700.00;

2. Antique Two Board Slant-Side Wagon, Est. 1880
Minimum bid: $500.00;

3. Antique Spring Wagon, Est. 1910
Minimum bid: $500.00;

4. Antique Newton Two-Board Farm Wagon, Est. 1890
Minimum bid: $300.00; and

5. Antique Single-Seat Buggy, Est. 1914
Minimum bid: $300.00

The wagons are available for inspection during the Sand & Sage Fair at the Fairgrounds or by calling #(719) 336-8030. Bids should be listed on the Silent Auction Bid Sheets provided at the Fairgrounds. Bids will be accepted through August 9, 2015.

The Prowers County Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to refuse any and all bids.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: AgricultureBusinessCommissionersCountyEconomyEntertainmentFeaturedHistoryLamarProwers CountyRecreationTourismTransportation


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