Southeast Colorado is Drought Free

Spring Storm Over Prowers County

Spring Storm Over Prowers County

Spring rains have upgraded the drought status of south central and southeast Colorado as Drought Free, according to the report released July 16 by the U.S. Drought Monitor. June precipitation totals across that region were near to slightly below normal across most of the southeast plains with slightly to well above normal precipitation experienced over and near the higher terrain. This, along with above normal to well above normal precipitation across the area for the 2015 water year thus far, has helped erase drought conditions across all of south central and southeast Colorado.

Widespread precipitation across the area over the last few months has helped to replenish soil moisture across the area. The latest CPC and VIC Soil Moisture calculations indicated normal to slightly above normal conditions for this region with well above normal conditions indicated over and near the eastern mountains. The rainfall has kept faire danger generally low across most of south central and southeast Colorado as well.

The latest USDA Colorado Crop Report indicated 16% of topsoil moisture conditions across the state were rated at short or very short with 84% of top soil conditions rated at adequate or better. This compares to 53% of top soil moisture conditions rated at short or very short and 47% rated at adequate or better at this same time last year. Subsoil moisture indicated similar results with 19% being rated at short or very short and 81% rated at adequate or better. This compares to 53% of subsoil moisture rated at short or very short and 47% rated at adequate or better at this same time last year.

Statewide reservoir storage levels at the end of June came in at 112% of average overall. This is up from the 107% of average overall from last month and remains above the 94% of average storage levels at this same time last year. In the Arkansas Basin, storage levels at the end of June were at 140% of average overall, up from the 108% reported last month and remains well above the 66% reported at this same time last year. Much of the increase can be attributed to the John Martin Reservoir which was at 208 of average storage levels at the end of June. Last year at this time, the John Martin Reservoir reported only 16% of average storage overall. As of May 1, 2015 acre feet storage was at 46,100 and as of July 20, storage is at 317,000.

The precipitation outlook for the rest of July through September continue to indicate a slight tilt to below normal temperatures along with a better chance of above normal precipitation across the south central and southeastern region of Colorado. The CPC Seasonal Drought Outlook, valid through October 31st, does not indicate any expected drought development across this region.

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