The Pros are Possible for These Players
Russ Baldwin | Jun 01, 2015 | Comments 0
The 2015 Colorado High School Futures Game was played with a field of some twenty high school seniors and several underclassmen at Coors Field on Thursday, May 28. The event, formerly, the Top 40 Game showcased the talents of high school seniors and juniors over the course of nine innings.
Lamar High School senior, Brent Crampton, was selected to pitch for the black or senior team and pitched the second inning of the match-up which saw the black team winning a close call at 10 to 9. Both rosters are selected from around the state by the Rockies scouting department and Rockies scout team coaching staff. Lamar Community College baseball coach, Scott Crampton, said the real young guys are future professional prospects. Prior to the game, both teams were given a tour of Coors Field and enjoyed a lunch.
Twenty-one players on the purple team were from the class of 2016 and 26 of the 27 players on the black team were from the class of 2015.
By Russ Baldwin
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