Cut Food Waste and SAVE Money

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LAS ANIMAS, COLORADO, MAY 14, 2015:  Have you heard the old adage “waste not, want not”?   The USDA estimates 30% of available food in the United States is wasted.  Not only does this add to landfills, think how much you could lower your food bill if you cut that waste.  Extension Agent Kaye Kasza recommends these tips to cut food waste and save money:

  • Shop your refrigerator first! Eat what you already have before buying more.
  • Plan meals for a week using foods on hand and grocery store specials.
  • Make and use a shopping list.
  • Before buying an unfamiliar food, be sure you know how to prepare it.
  • Buy only the amount of food you can store and use before it spoils. Large quantities are not cheaper if you waste part of the food.
  • Practice “First In First Out”. The ‘use by’ dates listed for many shelf-stable items (like canned goods) are mainly a quality issue. Until opened, shelf-stable foods should be safe to eat unless the can or package has been damaged. Never use food from cans that are leaking, rusting, bulging, badly dented or with a foul odor, cracked jars or jars with loose or bulging lids, or any container that spurts liquid when you open it.
  • Freeze leftovers or use them in recipes like soups or casseroles. Instead of thinking “leftovers”,  think “planned-overs.”  Have a plan to use excess food from one meal, whether by using it within a few days or freezing it for the future.
  • If you see you won’t use fresh produce or herbs before they spoil, can or freeze them.
  • Take leftovers for lunch instead of eating out. Store lunch properly to keep foods safe to eat.

The USDA, Cornell University and the Food Marketing Institute have developed a smartphone app, the FoodKeeper, designed to help consumers reduce food waste.  This free app gives storage advice about more than 400 food and beverage items, including various types of baby food, dairy products and eggs, meat, poultry, produce, seafood, and more. The app includes an ‘Ask Karen’ feature that’s available for your questions 24/7.

To learn more, contact your local Extension Office:  Baca County 719-523-6971, Bent County 719-456-0764, Cheyenne County 719-767-5716, Crowley County 719-267-5243, Kiowa County 719-438-5321, O Contact: Kaye Kasza

Phone: (719)456-0764

Filed Under: AgricultureBusinesscommunityEconomyEducationFeaturedGranadaHealthHollyLamarMedia ReleaseProwers CountySchoolWiley


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