Young Artists Create A New Look

Familiar Look?

Familiar Look?

Just a quick look at the pictures will tell you the nature of the businesses in Ron Farmer’s building in the 200 Block of West Oak Street in Lamar.  “Ron called me and said he wanted something new and different to showcase the property,” said Lamar High School art teacher, John Gersick.  “I’ve never done anything like this before, but I told him I’d give it a go,” he added as he instructed a student volunteer on the art of spray painting in a stiff breeze.

Emily Ramsay Heads Back Up the Ladder

Emily Ramsay Heads Back Up the Ladder

Gersick has organized about 20 students to help him highlight each business in Farmer’s building along West Oak Street.  “We didn’t take spring break into consideration, so I don’t have as many students as I expected,” he explained, but added that all 20 would be hard pressed for space if they showed up at once.  “I expect to get quite a few to come out Friday and Saturday,” he stated.  Gersick said there was classroom preparation for the themes to determine how the project would be accomplished before the paint cans were brought out.

Gersick Gives a Demonstration to a Vounteer

Gersick Gives a Demonstration to a Vounteer

Emily Ramsay, a sophomore, was up near the roof to the east side of the building, adding color on a wall this past Friday, until she came down to retrieve another can of paint.  “Spray painting is new to me, but it’s fun.  I’m usually used to acrylics from my class at school, but I enjoy volunteering,” she said.  Gersick said each business owner was consulted in advance and approved of the project in general and the outline of the theme that would be used to represent their enterprise, ranging from a hair salon to massage therapy for the two that began the project.  Preliminary sketch work on the businesses facing South 4th Street was also being mapped out for the project early in the week.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: BusinesscommunityEducationEntertainmentFeaturedLamarSchoolYouth


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