Zonta Rose Day Benefits Scholarships for Area Women



Did you know that one of 8 targets established in the year 2000 by the U.N.’s Millennium Development Goals committee was to ensure by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling? “Enrollment in primary education in developing regions has reached 90%, but today over 58 million children still remain out of school”. (United Nations website: http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/education.shtml )

Each year on March 8th members of Zonta International and their partners around the world focus on International Women’s Day and Zonta Rose Day to remind us that we have made progress towards equality for women and girls, but we still have 58,000,000 million children who need our help.

The members of the Zonta Club of Prowers County use this time to sell roses for $5.00 to be given to individuals who have made a difference in the lives of members in our local communities. Our goal for this year is to sell 1400 roses and use the funds to offer scholarships to provide post-high school education for young girls and women in our area.

If you have already bought a rose, we thank you for your support. If you haven’t, will you consider helping us reach our goal? You can find order forms at local businesses or by calling 336-9009 to place an order. This year the roses will be delivered on March 9th.

Thank you for helping us reach our goal, but more importantly thank you for helping make a difference in the lives of children, our most important natural resource.

Filed Under: BusinessCountyEconomyEducationEmploymentEventsFeaturedLamarMedia ReleaseProwers CountyYouth


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