Lola Faye Westerman…July 24, 1930 – February 27, 2015

obit 20


Funeral services for Faye Westerman will be held at 10:00 a.m. Friday, March 6, 2015 at Valley Memorial Funeral Chapel in Lamar, Colorado with Pastor Rod Coulter officiating.  Interment will take place at the Springfield Cemetery at 1:30 p.m.  Visitation will be held from 8:00 a.m. until time of service on Friday.

Lola Faye Westerman known to friends and family as Faye, was born at home on July 24, 1930 in Stonington, Colorado just south of Walsh.  Faye was the daughter of Freeman and Sarah Elizabeth (Lizzie) Ralstin. She passed away on February 27, 2015 at Parkview Hospital in Pueblo, Colorado.             Faye moved to Walsh, Colorado where with the help of brother-in-law, Shirley Gunkel and his car, she met her husband to be, Elbert at the local gas station.  They soon married on January 15, 1945 and to that union was born one daughter, Tammy Westerman-Pryor of Las Animas, Colorado.

Elbert and Faye moved to Lamar in the 1950’s where Faye went to work for the A. L. Duckwall Company.  Faye had a strong work ethic and worked for Duckwall’s for 35 years before retiring. Faye was known in her community for her willingness to help others.  She was an avid gardener with a wonderful green thumb. Her ability to grow the famous tomatoes was known by all who ate them, even some years as late Christmas.  She loved to work in her yard, had beautiful roses, flowers, and had one priority in the summer-DESTROY the weeds.  Faye continued to do these things right through last summer. In fact, one of her goals when she left the hospital was to get strong enough to mow her lawn this upcoming summer.

If you ask any of the family what they remembered best about Faye they will tell you her cooking.  She always had big dinners for the holidays and many of her traditional treats will continue to live on for many holidays to come. Her favorite food was pie. She often told people she only liked two kinds: hot or cold.

Perhaps Faye was best known for the homemade popcorn balls she gave to all her favorite trick or treaters.  The kids in the family insisted on going to Aunt Faye’s even if it was cold and snowy. Then of course she loved to play “tricks” on her friends at Halloween also.  Tammy remembers her mother dressing up in costume and making her wait in the car while she went in to fool various friends.  She just pushed her way in the house and sat down while they tried to figure out who was their anonymous visitor. Tammy got to go in later and then of course gave it away.  Best part was the extra goodies from two sacks.

Additionally, Faye was granted a second chance at love in the mid 2000’s when Faye met Charles Bottorf of Eads, Colorado. Charles, a wonderful man of faith encouraged her to grow in her faith and introduced her again to another one of her loves, dancing. They spent many wonderful evenings visiting with friends and dancing the night away.

Faye is survived by her daughter Tammy; son-in-law, Jim Pryor; three grandchildren; nine great grandchildren; numerous nieces, nephews, and of course her beloved granddog-Foxy.

Faye was preceded in death by her husband, Elbert Westerman; parents, Freeman and Lizzie; two brothers, Albert and Jim Ralstin; two sisters, Zora Gunkel and Darlene Woods; two brothers-in-law; two sisters–in-law; as well as well as several nieces and nephews.             Memorial donations may be made to the charity of the donor’s choice in care of Valley Memorial Funeral Chapel, P.O. Box 950, Lamar, CO 81052.

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