Girls in the Middle Registration Now Open

Be Bold 2015The 7th annual Girls in the Middle conference is coming up on Friday, April 3 at Lamar Community College.  Registration for the event is now available at Students interested in attending the conference, as well as the adults who will accompany them, are encouraged to register as soon as possible.  Registration ends on March 12. There is a $5 fee for the conference that includes lunch and a t-shirt.

Girls in the Middle aims to introduce middle school girls to a wide range of career opportunities and encourage them to continue studying math, science and technology once they enter high school. Last year 73 girls from 7 schools in southeastern Colorado attended the conference.

This year girls are encouraged to “Be Bold” as they meet new friends and explore the different career options through demonstrations and hands-on activities.  The keynote speaker for the event will be Andrea Reinert, a Lamar native and current General Manager of City Club in Amarillo, Texas.

For more information on the Girls in the Middle conference, contact Jenna Davis at 719.336.1589.


Filed Under: CollegecommunityEventsLamarMedia Release


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