Fair Dinkum Welcomes the New Year

girl with rabbitFair Dinkum 4-H Club Meeting will be on 2/8/15 at 5pm.  This month’s meeting will be held at the State’s home on 9159 Hwy 196 in Lamar.  The agenda for this meeting is to discuss community service projects, update status on our 4-H projects and to plan upcoming 4-H activities.   Fair Dinkum’s meeting held last month on 1/18/15 at the 4-H Home Economics Building at the Sand and Sage Fairgrounds discussed progress on the member’s 4-H projects and ways to invite others to participate in 4-H.  Following the meeting, three demonstrations was given by two members.

Anabelle Mortimeyer showed us how to hold and position her bunny, named Midnight.  She is planning to show this Holland-Lop-eared rabbit for her 4-H livestock Breeding Project at the Sand and Sage Fair this summer. This is her first year showing livestock. Anabelle won Grand Champion in Cake Demonstrating, and a State Fair participant ribbon; and Grand Champion in Horseless Horse, and Reserve Grand Champion at State Fair.

Cassidie States demonstrated her sewing projects, using questions and answers to help club members determine the texture, content and weaves of the wool fabrics.  She also demonstrated the differences between types of scissors.  Cassidie placed 4th in the Teen Division (13-18) in the Make It with Wool Contest held this last fall.  Cassidie also was Grand Champion in Modeling, Macramé, Clothing Construction, Foods, and Ceramics.  She placed Grand Champion in Macramé, 3rd and 5th place at the State Fair in her Clothing Construction; and placed at the State Fair.

If you want to join 4-H, it is not too late to join.  You can call our leader, Toni States 1-719-688-0785 or the 4-H office at 719-336-7734 to sign up.

Submitted by Erin Tempel

Club Reporter

Filed Under: AgriculturecommunityEducationFeaturedYouth


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