Lopes Volleyball to Hold Open Tryout

Runin-Lopes-BigOn January 16, 2014, Lamar Community College’s Runnin’ Lopes Volleyball program will host an open tryout for the 2015-2016 season.  This is a great opportunity for local athletic talent to come showcase their skill on the court.

Interested players will participate in a court evaluation followed by a campus tour and meetings with admissions and financial aid.  Check in starts at 9:30am on January 16th in the Wellness Center.  Tryouts follow at 10:00am.  Anyone interested in trying out should contact Coach Stephenson to reserve their place in the tryouts.

For more information or to RSVP, contact Coach Stephenson by calling 719.336.1673 or by email at brandon.stephenson@lamarcc.edu.


Filed Under: communityEducationEventsLamarMedia ReleaseProwers CountyRecreationSchoolSportsYouth


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