Northeast Prowers Conservation District in Holly Received a $25,000 50/50 Matching Grant

North-fence-installed-WEBThe Northeast Prowers Conservation District in Holly recently received a $25,000 50/50 matching grant from the Colorado State Conservation Board, Colorado Department of Agriculture.

The Natural Resource Conservation matching grant program assists Colorado Conservation Districts in implementing and encouraging sound natural resource planning, management and development particularly in minerals, energy, geology and water resources.  The funds are used to implement enduring conservation practices for preservation of Colorado’s natural resources through public/private partnerships.  NEPCD served 6 District producers in completing their projects including fencing, living windbreaks and well drilling practices.  The intent and goal of this grant is to deliver “on-the-ground” conservation through implementation of conservations practices.  The Northeast Prowers Conservation District was recently informed that they are the recipients of the 2015 50/50 Matching Grant in the amount of $25,000.  The 2015 grant will consists of Grazing Land Improvement and Drought Mitigation projects.  The District will announce the application period in early March, 2015.  Contact Dana Barth, District Manager, Northeast Prowers Conservation District in Holly for further information (719-537-6506).

Filed Under: AgricultureCountyEventsFeaturedProwers County


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