Birth Announcements 12/1/14


Chad Dimitt and Laurie Larrick of Lamar announce the birth of daughter Blaire Addalynn Dimitt on November 29, 2014 at 10:39am at Prowers Medical Center.  Blaire weighed 8 pounds and was 21 inches in length at birth and was delivered by Dr. Barry Portner.  Grandparents are Jim and Anita Larrick of Lamar and Deborah and Spencer Dimitt of Johnson, Kansas.


Savannah Hiner and Joseph Lujan of Lamar announce the birth of Anthony Lee Lujan on November 25, 014 at 3:57am at Prowers Medical Center with Sharon Hendricks attending.  Anthony weighed 7.5 pounds and was 20 inches in length at birth.  Grandparents are Kim and Bill Hiner and Danielle Diaz.

Filed Under: Birth AnnouncementLamarMedia Release


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