A Judge for the 2014 Autumn Art Show Has Been Selected

Virginia-Smith-Dooley-550-optimizedLamar, CO, October 7, 2014 – Members of the Southeast Colorado Arts Guild (SECAG) Judging Committee have selected Virginia Smith Dooley, an accomplished artist as the Judge for this year’s Autumn Art Show at the Shore Art Center.

Virginia portrays her love for the beautiful scenic mountains of Colorado and the rustic remnants of the past through her art. A native Coloradoan, Virginia Smith has a deep understanding of the mountains and land she loves so well, and has been blessed with the extraordinary talent to transpose her visions and feelings onto canvas.

Even as a young child, Virginia would spend countless hours sketching wagons, farm and ranch machinery, animals, people, and any other subject near her home town of Lamar, Colorado that would catch her interest.

Virginia received her art degree from Western State College, graduating summa cum laude. Virginia continued her training through local art classes and seminars throughout Colorado and New Mexico. Jenny began studying with, and later married, Tom J. Dooley, known for his mountain landscapes. You can see the influence of Tom Dooley in her paintings. However, Virginia has a definite style of her own, and is becoming a recognized artist and her work is being collected throughout the United States.

SECAG in conjunction with The Southeast Colorado Arts Council is proud to present this year’s Autumn Art Show. This art show is open to the public and will run for three days.

The current schedule for the Autumn Art Show is as follows:

Registration of Artwork is Saturday, October 25 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

The Autumn Art Show will be open to the public for viewing Tuesday through Thursday, October 28-30.

A wine and cheese reception will be held on Thursday, October 30 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  Awards will be given out at this time.  Awards will be presented at 7:00 pm and check out will follow 8:00 pm. Please note, that minors must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

To encourage greater participation The Art Guild is offering cash awards for Best-of-Show, One overall First Place in each category plus an Area Award for best depiction of a landmark within a 100-mile radius of Lamar, a Popular Choice Award, and a President’s Choice Award. Certificates are awarded for second, third and honorable mention.

Only original works not previously entered in a SECAG Autumn Art Show are eligible for entry and showing. Works will be displayed and judged according to the following categories: Painting, Artisan Works, Drawing & Prints, Photography and Three-Dimensional.

Registration is Saturday, October 25 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Shore Arts Center, 115 Main Street in Lamar. Registration is $30 for 1 to 3 entries. One additional entry can be registered for $5.

A student category is available for artists under college level, who wish to enter their work. The cost is reduced per entry for this category.

The complete rules and forms are available online on the Southeast Colorado Arts Council’s Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Southeast-Colorado-Arts-Council/224524917608420 (Search for Southeast Colorado Arts Council on Facebook) or on their website at: http://secoartscouncil.org/. Printed copies can be obtained by calling co-chairpersons, Bev Middleton at 719-940-4451, Jeff Alexander at 719-336-4780 or Arts Council board member, Vincent Gearhart at 719-688-7720.autumn-show-14-Poster-Optimized


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