High Plains Observes National Health Center Week & Anniversary

High Plains Health Week (1)

Commissioners Buxton-Andrade, Marble, Schnabel and Jay Brooke, Front: Maura Gonzales and Beck Olivas

Jay Brooke, High Plains Executive Director, along with Becky Olivas, Outreach Supervisor and Maura Gonzales, Outreach Worker, met with the Prowers County Commissioners for the official proclamation for the observance of National Health Center Week, 2014.

Picnic At High Plains

Picnic At High Plains

Brooke noted that the local Center was established in 1995, and is observing its 19th year of service to the community, paralleling the national observance for health centers.  “I believe we started with just seven or nine employees and today we’ve increased to 96,” he said, noting that the Center now has an annual budget of $7M.  He noted that the Healthy Places campaign for Lamar has just completed its master plan with a projected budget of $12M.  “Now our task is to seek out funding to put these plans in action,” Brooke stated.  He noted that one of the prime objectives for Healthy Places is to develop plans and practices that will turn around the high numbers of obese youngsters in the community.  “We hope to start work on those planning session in the next few months,” he added.

Brooke invited the commissioners, and the community-at-large, to come out for a free BBQ from noon to 1:30pm at the Center.  Folks enjoyed free hamburgers and hotdogs, as well as salads and chilled watermelon and registered for free door prizes.

The proclamation noted that 22 million Americans can seek medical treatment at more than 9,000 centers throughout the country.  Health centers save the nation’s health care system approximately $24B annual through the management of chronic conditions and keep patients out of costlier health care settings.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: BusinessCommissionerscommunityCountyEventsFeaturedHealthHistoryLamarProwers County


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