Colorado Junior Rodeo Finals Coming To Lamar

CJRA-2014-Finals-Logo-WebLamar, Colorado – August 11, 2014 – The Colorado Junior Rodeo Association is celebrating its 20th year and Lamar will host the CJRA Finals August 15-17.  Over 140 contestants and their families will be coming to the Prowers County Fairgrounds for the event.  Members have competed at rodeos throughout Colorado this year and the top 15 in each event will be competing for the year end titles.  Over $140,000 in prizes, prize money and scholarships will be awarded at the conclusion of the rodeo on Sunday.

Events in the 5-8 division include Barrel Racing, Pole Bending, Goat Tying, Flag Racing, and Dummy Roping.  9-13 year old and 14-18 year old girls will compete in Barrel Racing, Pole Bending, Breakaway Roping and Goat Tying.  Boys ages 9-13 will compete in Breakaway Roping, Goat Tying, Chute Dogging and Dally Ribbon Roping.  The Senior Boys will compete in Calf Roping, Ribbon Roping and Steer Wrestling.  Both Junior and Senior divisions also have Team Roping and Parent/Child Team Roping.

The first rodeo performance will be Friday, August 15 and will be concluded by Parent Ribbon Roping and a special event, the Prowers County Businessman’s Calf Tying at 5:30 p.m.  A calcutta auction will be held for the Parent Ribbon Roping and the Businessman’s Calf Tying so community members may join in on the fun.  Friday’s activities will conclude with the Justin Harrington Memorial Goat Roping at 7 p.m.

After Saturday’s rodeo performance the event will move to the Lamar Community Building for a Barbeque beginning at 5 p.m. followed by Silent and Live auctions and Chicken Bingo.  Tack, jewelry, western décor and sports memorabilia are some of the items up for auction.  Broncos fans can bid on a John Elway autographed football or autographed jerseys from Peyton Manning, Terrell Davis, and Wes Welker with all proceeds going to the CJRA scholarship and awards funds.

Sunday starts with Cowboy Church at 7 a.m. followed by the third rodeo performance and concludes with the annual awards ceremony at the Lamar Community Building.

The rodeo performances will begin at 8:30 each morning and admission is free. The public is invited to attend all the events.  The Lamar Elks Rodeo Committee from BPOE Lodge 1319 along with the City of Lamar and Prowers County are hosting the event.

For more information, visit the CJRA website at or contact CJRA Finals Committee Member Danielle Wollert at 719-940-0870.

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