List of Licenses For Sale Aug. 5 Available Now

Colorado-Parks-Wildlife-Logo-sm-350DENVER –  Hunters seeking tags for either bucks or bulls, or simply a cow elk for the freezer, can look forward to an ample number of leftover big-game licenses for the 2014 seasons. Colorado Parks and Wildlife has approximately 6,000 deer, 30,000 elk, 5,000 pronghorn and 1,800 bear licenses available for the fall hunting seasons. Leftover licenses are surplus licenses that went unsold during the limited drawing. For the first time ever, both leftover and over-the-counter (OTC) licenses go on sale the same day. In addition, hunters may purchase licenses online without having to wait an additional day as in years past. All leftover and OTC licenses go on sale Aug. 5 at 9 a.m. Mountain Standard Time. Licenses may be purchased at statewide license agents, Colorado Parks and Wildlife service centers, online or by calling 1-800-244-5613. In addition to a current and valid photo ID, proof of residency and social security number, anyone buying a license must have a Hunter Education card, unless the hunter was born before Jan. 1, 1949. Bring this card with you for in-person sales. A list of available leftover licenses may be accessed HERE. ( The leftover list updates every 15 minutes once the sales process begins Aug. 5. Don’t miss your chance to hunt Colorado this fall! For more information about big-game hunting in Colorado and license availability, click HERE. (

For more news about Colorado Parks and Wildlife go to: For more information about Colorado Parks and Wildlife go to: Contact Name: Manda Walters Contact Phone: 303-291-7475

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