Lamar Receives Funding to Complete Sportsplex Fields

Entrance to Sportsplex

Entrance to Sportsplex

The Lamar Sportsplex, known at its origin as the Four-plex, has been funded for completion of the remaining two ball fields, according to Rick Akers, Lamar Parks and Recreation Director this past Wednesday, July 2.  Lamar’s application was one of several grants selected from nine made to Greater Outdoors Colorado for funding.  The 36 applications submitted totaled $9.3M total and the nine approved amounted to $2.2M.  Lamar’s request was for just under $240,000.

Dugout Awaiting completion

Dugout Awaiting completion

Akers said the two softball fields will see construction work beginning in early to mid August.  The Sportsplex was initiated by former City Administrator Ron Stock in 2008 and the first of the four fields was completed in time to host the August 2009 Cal Ripken World Series for 10 year old boys.  The City was also chosen to host the 2011 Babe Ruth 16-Year Old Softball Fast Pitch World Series on the second field.  The Sportsplex consists of one baseball and three softball fields.  The original financing came from several sources including the state Department of Local Affairs, the City of Lamar, contributions from Prowers County and GoCO grants as well as private and corporate donations.  Construction was put on hold for the project when funding became scarce.

Sports Complex 7-14 (5)

This July will prove to be a busy time at the entire ball field facility as Lamar is hosting a number of tournaments including:  the 10 & U and 12 & U Cal Ripken District Tournament, the 24th Annual Windmill Men’s Classic Softball Tournament, Regional Softball Tournaments for 14 & 16 and Under age groups and the Colorado Babe Ruth 14 & U State Baseball Championships which will run July 18-21.

Southwestern Field of in Sportsplex

Southwestern Field of in Sportsplex

Akers said some of the equipment for the remaining fields was donated some time ago, such as the scoreboards which were purchased from an earlier CenturyLink donation.  The fencing around the remaining two fields will be set in concrete and the backstops and dugouts will also be completed.  “We’ll need to do some work to the fields, as they have been covered with a road base to reduce erosion from the wind and some shifting dust has raised the levels of the outfields, so we’ll have to correct that as well,” said Akers.

Sports Complex 7-14 (4)

The director said he hoped to have the new sod and sprinkler system in place this coming fall and work on the infield completed through the winter.  “That way, we’ll be ready for the new season in the spring of 2015,” he explained.  Akers said a delay would push back the schedule by about a season.  “If we lay the sod next April, we’ll need to let it develop a healthy and deep root system for about six to eight weeks before it can see any play.”  He added that he’s also anxious to see the Master Parks and Trail Plan completed for several areas in the city.  Akers said he’s aware that the Sportsplex gets limited use through just the summer months.  “We want to develop other areas of interest for kids who don’t play baseball such as the proposed skateboard park for Bicentennial Park, and develop activities that accommodate our older citizens,” he added.

By Russ Baldwin

Brought to you by: Colorado East Bank & Trust

Brought to you by: Colorado East Bank & Trust

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