Southeast Area 4-H Leaders Recognized for Service

Mary Alton

Mary Alton


Southeast Area – Two 4-H leaders from the Southeast Area were recognized as Outstanding 4-H Volunteer Leaders at the 2014 Leadership Development Conference. Dawn James from Kiowa County and Mary Alton from Baca County were recognized at a banquet on January 25, 2014. 

Dawn James

Dawn James


Dawn James has volunteered sixteen years (officially) as a 4-H leader in Kiowa County. As the leader of the Prairie Queen 4-H Club she has seen the club grow to over thirty members. Besides just her 4-H club Dawn has been elected leader advisor of the Kiowa County 4-H Council numerous times. Her and her husband, Louis, took on responsibility of the Kiowa County 4-H Horse Program, including coordinating two shows annually. It didn’t matter what the activity was and what role she needed to serve Dawn was quick to volunteer. Also, she attended many state 4-H functions as a chaperone. Dawn and Louis have four children, all of whom have went quite successfully through the 4-H program, Jennifer, Brian, Jessica, and Alicia. Dawn has stepped down as a 4-H leader this fall, but her efforts will have a lasting impact on Kiowa County 4-H. 

Mary Alton started her 4-H career as a member of the Helping Hands 4-H Club in Springfield, CO where she participated in projects such as sewing, childcare, cooking, and home furnishing. She has three children that have all been active members of 4-H. She started and is the club organizational leader for the Whispering Winds 4-H Club. In addition, she is the president of the Baca County Shooting Sports program and the archery project leader where she spends countless hours assisting the archery 4-H members become extremely successful in the archery project. She has been instrumental in expanding the shooting sports program and especially the archery project in Baca County. She is a member of the Baca County Fair board, and she can be seen at various 4-H functions always giving a helping hand and support to the 4-H youth. She always keeps a smile on her face and has a positive attitude, and she never asks for anything in return. She has been a diligent 4-H member and leader for over 20 years in Baca County.

By Amy Kelley, CSU 4-H Extension Agent, Cheyenne and Kiowa Counties

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