NWS Providing Spotter Training Sessions in S.E. Colorado


FREE TRAINING…The National Weather Service in Pueblo provides Severe Weather Awareness and Spotter Training sessions.  Typically the sessions are scheduled from late March through early May each year, and are a cooperative effort of local government officials and the National Weather Service.  The sessions are free of charge and usually open to everyone, except when noted.   Participants receive information about:- the National Weather Service- when and how to report severe weather- the basics of thunderstorm development and storm structure- basic severe weather safety tips.

An RSVP is required if you plan to attend.  A typical session lasts between 1 1/2 hours and 2 hours.  Snacks and beverages are usually NOT provided.   BELOW ARE THE SCHEDULED TRAINING SESSIONS… 

April 1   6:30pm                 Springfield, CO EOC        29400 North US Hwy 287

April 2   6:30pm                 Lamar, CO                           Lamar High School Auditorium, S 11th St

April 3   6:30pm                 La Junta, CO                       601 Colorado, Courtroom Upstairs    

National Weather Service Pueblo
3 Eaton Way
Pueblo, Colorado  81001-4856
719-948-9429 x726

Filed Under: Prowers County


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