Local Students Compete in Livestock Quiz Bowl at Nat West Round-Up


CSU Extension Website

Southeast Area—District VI is sending a livestock quiz bowl team and a grand champion artistic clothing model to the 2014 National Western Round-Up Competition January 9 through 12 in Denver, Colo.  Rhett Larsen, Chad Russell, Blake Muller and Joel Souders make up the livestock quiz bowl team and Kylee Holden will compete in the modeling contest.  The livestock quiz bowl team consists of members from Crowley, Otero and Prowers counties, Holden is from Prowers County.

“As a co-superintendent of this national quiz bowl contest I am even more excited to have our District VI team be the first Colorado team to compete in this livestock quiz bowl contest.  I am truly grateful for Crop Risk Advisor’s support to help make this quiz bowl possible,” Lacey Mann, Prowers and Bent Counties 4-H Agent said.  “This is the first year in over five years that we have had any representation from our corner of the state and I know the team and Holden will do well.”

The quiz bowl team qualified for the contest at the Colorado State 4-H Conference in June.  They were the overall reserve champions.  This is the first year a Colorado team will enter the Round-Up Contest.  Holden earned her spot by winning the artistic clothing modeling competition at the 2013 Colorado State Fair.

They will face competition from across the country including California, Florida, Mississippi, Texas, Nebraska and more.  They will spend time in competition and in leadership development workshops.

“This is a great opportunity for the team to compete at this national level of competition.  We have practiced and are eager for this event and I know they will represent their clubs, counties and District VI very well,” Tanner Barth, quiz bowl coach, said.

If your child is interested in joining 4-H or you would like further information on the 4-H program, please contact your local CSU Extension Office; Baca County 719-523-6971, Bent County 719-456-0764, Cheyenne County 719-767-5716, Crowley County 719-267-5243, Kiowa County 719-438-5321, Otero County 719-254-7608, Prowers County 719-336-7734. 4-H is a cooperative effort between CSU Extension and the County.

Contact: Lacey Mann
CSU Extension Agent
4-H Youth Development
(719) 336-7734



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