2013 Year in Review for Prowers County: January & February

Over the next several days, The Prowers Journal will recap some of the news events that highlighted the twelve months of 2013.  The condensed articles will be available online at www.theprowersjournal.com as well as in our weekly Wednesday newsletter. 

January 2013 Year in Review 

Marla Abling, 46, was arrested by the Lamar Police Department in connection with the murder of 45-year-old Rory Alba, also of Lamar.  Police were dispatched to Abling’s apartment on South 9th Street at 6:21am on the morning of January 23.  Abling would be held on first degree murder charges and held in the Prowers County Jail on a bond that eventually was set at $150,000.  Abling had several court appearances in the 15th Judicial District Count in Prowers County through the year, including several days of testimony from law enforcement officers as her public defenders sought to have her trial dismissed under Colorado’s Make My Day Law.  Judge Stanley Brinkley determined that not all the criteria had been met to issue her release and dismissal of charges.  Her case was continued in the fall of 2013 to March, 2014. 

Marla Abling

Marla Abling

The Lamar Chamber of Commerce held their annual banquet on January 24.  As well as introducing the new board of director’s line-up for 2013, various awards were presented during the dinner meeting.  Lori Hammer was selected at the Citizen of the Year.  Hammer was selected for her continued work with the Project HOPE Teen Center in Lamar.  The Humanitarian Award was presented to Lupe and Julie Adame, owners of A & B Liquor in Lamar for their dedication, service and donations through the years to numerous civic and social activities.  Vincent Gearhart was presented with the Honker of the Year award for the second year in a row. The Honker’s, a branch of the Chamber, serves as year-round ambassadors to Lamar’s business and civic community. 

Lori Hammer, Pictured with her Daughter at Chamber Banquet

Lori Hammer, Pictured with her Daughter at Chamber Banquet

The Town of Granada was informed of 17 deficiencies found at the town’s landfill following an inspection by the Colorado Department of Health and Environment.  While some of the gigs were of an environmental nature, numerous citations were noted for record keeping, fees and access routes to the landfill by local residents.  The Board of Trustees continued with improvements at the landfill while working within a limited budget. 

The Holly Ministerial Food Pantry opened in January, run by Pastor Kurtis Klinghammer.  The location, at 124 South Main Street in Holly, would be open each fourth Friday of the month.  The Pantry allows people to select their own foods from the stocked shelves, as opposed to receiving a box of pre-packaged food items.  Klinghammer said the Pantry is used as an end-of-the-month resource for people who didn’t have sufficient funds to purchase food through the entire month. 

Pastor Kurtis Klinghammer of the Holly First Christian Church

Pastor Kurtis Klinghammer of the Holly First Christian Church

McClave saw snow-covered ground-breaking ceremonies on January 14 for a future community pavilion and playground area for local residents.  Matching funds from Bent County and the county’s Recreation District helped pay for the equipment and construction, mostly local work done by southeast Colorado businesses.  The facility was completed, and a community picnic and BBQ was held on August 22 for all area residents to attend and view the new playground area. 

Site for the New Building, Due East of Playground Equipment

Site for the New Building, Due East of Playground Equipment

Some outdoor work fell to Lamar City Crews as they set up new banners on 28 newly painted light poles along Main Street.  The new banner logo was part of a branding project initiated by Lamar Partnership Incorporated.  Shawna Hodge, Main Street Director, said the historic red color would be used on additional benches and trash receptacles between the railroad tracks to Elm Street initially and more poles would be painted pending future funding. 

City Crews Shelter Businesses from the Light Pole Paint on Main Street

City Crews Shelter Businesses from the Light Pole Paint on Main Street

February 2013 Year in Review 

Holly residents turned out on a sunny and cold February afternoon for a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 100 South Main Street, the site for a 10,504 square foot, new Reyman’s Grocery Store.  Owners Jess and Tracy Kalma told the gathering they expected the store to be open for business by late August or early September.  Three new employees would be added and more groceries would be available on the shelves as well as the expanded meat department.  The Reyman line of stores began in 1940 when Art and Hazel opened their first grocery store in Holly. 

Tracy and Jess Kalma Cutting the Ribbon Earlier this Winter

Tracy and Jess Kalma Cutting the Ribbon Earlier this Winter

Jeremy Miller, former U.S. Navy service member, replaced Carol Grauberger as the Prowers County Veterans Administration representative after her 34 years of service.  Miller retired from the Naval Reserves and began an information dissemination program to inform area veterans of all ages of the services they were entitled to from the county and U.S. government.

Jeremy Miller, Prowers County VA and Vital Statistics Representative

Jeremy Miller, Prowers County VA and Vital Statistics Representative

The Prowers County Development Incorporated board of directors saw some changes in membership late in the month.  Three positions became open and PCDI President Cathy Buxton said she would step down at the end of her term.  Lawrence Brase was re-elected to the board during the February 27th annual meeting at PCDI’s new location at the Rodeway Cow Palace Inn.  The new board members were Larry Lusher and Rick Robbins.  Marsha Willhite, Holly Town Administrator, was voted the new president. 

(Editor’s Note: March and April will be highlighted shortly)

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