Lamar, Colorado to Host 2014 Babe Ruth Softball 14u & 16u Colorado State & Midwest Plains Regional Tournaments
VPG | Nov 15, 2013 | Comments 0
DENVER, CO…Babe Ruth League, Inc.-Midwest Plains Region-has announced that the 2014 Babe Ruth 14U & 16U Colorado State and Midwest Plains Regional Tournaments will be hosted by Lamar, Colorado and played at the Lamar Sports Complex.
Local Lamar Girls Softball Association President Jill Bellomy relayed, “We appreciate the opportunity to host these tournaments for Babe Ruth.” Lamar has hosted several Babe Ruth Softball tournaments in past years, including the 2011 Babe Ruth Softball 16U World Series, the first Babe Ruth Softball World Series held west of the Mississippi River. “We’re pleased to have the Lamar community and the Lamar Girls Softball Association host these tournaments. With their past experience in hosting Babe Ruth Tournaments, we know they will plan and run a tournament experience with positive memories for the players, coaches, families and fans who travel to Lamar,” said Colorado State Babe Ruth Softball Commissioner Janice Delong, who will serve as the Babe Ruth Task Force Director for these state and regional tournaments.
The Colorado state tournaments are scheduled for July 10-13 for qualifying teams from around the state. The Midwest Plains regional tournaments will happen on July 16-20 for qualifying teams from the regional states of Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota & South Dakota. Game format will be pool play followed by the double elimination championship brackets.
For more information contact MWP Assistant Regional Commissioner for Softball, David Hargrove @
Babe Ruth League, Inc. is a non-profit, educational organization dedicated to developing better citizens by providing properly supervised baseball and softball competition for players ages 4 through 18. It is the basic intent of Babe Ruth League that every player who has a desire to play the sport is given the opportunity to participate and have fun.
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