Annual Veterans’ Appreciation Mass and Reception

Vets Mass 1The Annual Veterans’ Appreciation Mass and Reception, sponsored by Court St. Anne #1622 Catholic Daughters of the Americas, was held November 9, 2013 at St. Francis de Sales/Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish. Father Charlie Sena presided at the mass with assistance from Steven Injoalu, our seminarian. The Lamar VFW Color Guard Post 3621 participated in the veterans’ celebration ceremony. The four Color Guards walked to the front of the church, split into groups of two, flanked each side of the altar and faced the congregation. They held their posts as veterans and were called forward by military branch of service accompanied by the appropriate music for each branch of the U.S. Armed Forces. Father Charlie blessed the veterans, Steven asked the veterans to salute as he sang “I Surrender”; and then, the Catholic Daughters presented gifts to the veterans. The finger food reception for veterans, their families and friends was held in St. Cletus Hall after the mass.


Dixie Stokes
Catholic Daughter Chairperson

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