November Election Information, Ballot Questions

voting machines

The November General Election mail-in ballot for Prowers County residents has been finalized by the Prowers County Clerk and Recorder’s office.  Testing of the voting machines which will count the mail in ballots is being conducted in preparation for the returns which can be sent in by return mail or hand delivered to the Clerk’s office no later than 7pm on November 5. 

Most of the questions on this year’s ballot will revolve around school districts. Five candidates are vying for three seats on the Wiley School Board for four year terms.  The at-large candidates are Jeff Wells, Chad Krentz, Gergory Spitzer, Tysca Lynne Black and Clint R. Bean.  Voters will also decide two issues through a yes/no vote:  “Shall the elected directors of the Wiley School District RE-13 JT be authorized to serve three consecutive terms of office?”, and a second questions ask the voters if they want to increase the Wiley Property Tax Mill Levy by $100,000 a year to be used for educational purposes beginning in 2014. 

Granada school district voters will decide between Ty K. Harmon or Carlos Huerta as a board member for District E.  That is the only contested position.  Natalie Musick is running unopposed for the school board in District A and Rita M. Marquez is running unopposed in District C. 

Colorado voters will also decide on Constitutional Amendment 66 which is basically a tax increase to fund preschool through grades 12 in the state by $950,100,000 annually for the first fiscal year, followed by other amounts stipulated by amendments and statutes on educational funding.  Proposition AA is a sale of marijuana funded tax amounting to $70,000,000 of which $40 million will be spent on public school capital construction and a sale tax on enforcing marijuana sales and regulations. 

The only polling center in use in Prowers County will be the second floor of the Prowers County Courthouse.  The Prowers County Commissioners will transfer their operations to the Lamar Senior Center on East Olive Street on October 24 and continue to meet at that site until the elections tabulation process has been completed in November.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: CommissionerscommunityCountyEventsFeaturedGranadaHollyHot TopicsLamarPoliticsProwers CountyWiley


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