Letter to the Editor: Pedal the Plains Event

Letters to the Editor (3)


Kudos to Shawna Hodge, as well as all of the supporting staff and volunteers, for the tremendous efforts in planning and coordinating the numerous details and events, that made “PEDAL THE PLAINS” such a huge success for Lamar!      

It was a special day to observe our quiet little town, “ALIVE” with activity, music, commerce, and so many visitors!!!     

Among casual conversations with the “pedaling visitors”;   many remarked of how “well- coordinated” the event was (especially in comparison with other host cities of  prior years),   many also expressed their appreciation for the genuine warm friendly welcome they received from our community. 

GREAT JOB! Shawna Hodge and all who worked so hard, to make PEDAL THE PLAINS a tremendous success, as well as providing“showcase” of Lamar’s best qualities!!!  


Jillane Hixson
Lamar, CO



Filed Under: Letters to the Editor


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