Commissioners Tour New Developments in Holly

Commissioners in Holly

Commissioners in Holly

The Prowers County Commissioners held their most recent board meeting at the Holly Senior and Community Center, Thursday, September 19.  The commissioners periodically conduct their meetings in Wiley, Granada or Holly as part of their community outreach program.   

The commissioners took the occasion to formally greet Lance Benninghoff, recently hired as the county’s economic development director for Prowers County Development Incorporated, and introduce him to members of the Holly Trustees Board, including Holly Mayor Brad Simon and Administrator, Marsha Willhite.   


Holly Administrator Willhite, Lance Benninghoff-PCDI Executive Director, Holly Mayor-Brad Simon

Holly Administrator Willhite, Lance Benninghoff-PCDI Executive Director, Holly Mayor-Brad Simon

John Marrin, President of Lamar Community College, provided a brief overview of the college’s Conservation Day which was held on Friday, September 20.  Marrin mentioned the annual Antelope Stampede Rodeo will be held the first weekend in October, as well as the bi-annual Frontier Historical Encampment, also hosted on the college campus.  The Encampment will be held October 4 and 5.   

6th Grade Students at Holly School, Attended the Commissioner's Meeting

6th Grade Students at Holly School, Attended the Commissioner’s Meeting


Reva Phillips, administrative officer for the Southeast and Eastern Colorado Recycling Association, secured the group’s annual $4,000 donation from the county for their services.  Prowers is one of 40 entities that uses the recycling associations services, according to Phillips, and for Prowers, the cost per person amounts to 17 cents a month to use the various recycling bins available in Lamar and other county communities.  Phillips addressed a change in state policy regarding prohibition of Ewaste dumping in state landfills.  “The new policy went into effect in July,” she explained, and at present her operation is not equipped to handle Ewaste materials.  Asked by one of the Holly students attending the commissioners meeting, what EWaste consists of, Phillips explained, “It’s anything that can be plugged in to an electric outlet and that runs from cellphones to laptops to toasters or TV’s.”  She said there are some firms that can recapture and recycle precious metals from the components, but they deal in bulk materials, with some businesses charging by the pound for pick-up.  The City of Lamar and Prowers County officials have discussed some of the merits of conducting a future joint Ewaste dumping day. 

Rella Ann Steele, Secretary of the East Prowers Cemetery District, reminded the commissioners the district will hold a dedication ceremony for a donated Gazebo Sunday, September 29 at 1pm at the Hartman Cemetery.  “We were able to build the gazebo using the Hartman Community Fund to pay for the project,” she explained, mentioning that the plot for the gazebo was an in-kind donation from the Robson/Parsley families and volunteers built the gazebo. 

Other developments for the District included an updated bylaw which no longer allows funerals on Sundays or legal holidays.  Steele said a future project includes the installation of flag poles at the Holly Cemetery which will be illuminated to display military, American and Colorado flags at the site.  “We want to create a memorial wall to honor all military veterans living or dead from the District,” she mentioned, explaining that it makes sense to honor those still living for their service to their country instead of waiting for them to pass before listing their names on the memorial.  The 60 feet tall poles were bought at a low price from the Holly School District and had been used as football light poles. 

Following a lunch break, the commissioners and several Holly Trustees visited the L & L Greenhouse, the new Reyman’s Grocery Store and residents at the Holly Nursing Care Center.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: AgricultureBusinessCommissionersCountyEconomyFeaturedHollyHot TopicsProwers CountyYouth


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