Picture Perfect Flowers and Plants at Strainhurst Court
VPG | Aug 23, 2013 | Comments 0
- Patriotic Display
The residents of Strainhurst Courts in Lamar are reaping some beautiful benefits from the seeds they sewed this past May. Pruddy Osborn, maintenance supervisor at Strainhurst, took Vince Gearhart of The Prowers Journal on a tour of the facilities recently, highlighting all the flowers and plants that are in bloom.
Personal patios and a commons area have been beautified by the work of the residents, some as old as 96 years and still showing dedication and enthusiasm to make the world a little better. Osborn said the public is welcome to make arrangements to come out for a viewing in the near future.
“The residents, mostly the ladies, are always put pulling weeds and straightening up our areas,” Osborn said, adding, “The tomatoes and roses have seen a lot of work this summer and the results are paying off. Viola Stiffler has some of the biggest tomatoes on display.”
Some residents just opt for flowers, but others enjoy planting and caring for a variety of flowers, vegetables and plants. They take pride in the work and enjoy their results. There are also numerous birdhouses around the courts.
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