Lamar Sales Tax Grows for Another Month


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The City of Lamar sales tax revenue for June 2013 showed a marked increase of almost 18% for a gain of $50,929.15 over the same month last year.   Revenue taxes for June 2013 amounted to $334,024.  Total sales and Use Tax collections were up 11%, a difference of $34,508.05 over the same month last year, bringing the total to $348,100.86.  The monthly increase helped account for the 3.79% Year to Date gain in Total Sales tax collections, up $76,208.21 for the period which amounts to collections YTD of $2,089,017.54. 

Comparisons between year to date sales tax revenues for the 12 Retail Trade categories were fairly static, comparing 2012 to 2013 tallies. 

                                                2011                       2012                       2013

Auto Parts                           78,025                   87,370                   80,393
Building Materials             54,340                   65,504                   61,674
Clothing                               19,111                   20,329                   20,537
C Stores & Gas                   58,823                   59,916                   59,265
Dept Stores                       631,334                655,820                 656,689
Furniture & Elec                 17,017                   15,672                   14,744
Grocery Stores                 171,617                   60,752                 156,589
Motels                                 66,351                   86,737                    87,924
Liquor Sales                        55,635                   64,272                    63,104
Manufacturing                     5,108                     7,784                    30,942
Restaurants                     186,604                 196,989                  195,952
Other Retail                       28,421                   28,483                    30,129


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