Big Summer Splash for SDS at Lamar Pool


JUDI at the Pool

JUDI at the Pool

SDS rock n roll party August 3013 (5)

Each year, SDS, Southeast Developmental Services in Lamar, holds a summer picnic party for the SDS staff and residents.  According to executive director, Kim Engsburg, this year’s theme was a 1950’s costume, Rock and Roll Pool Party in Willow Creek Park.

 SDS rock n roll party August 3013 (4)

All the clients, families, guardians and staff took part in the Sunday, August 4, event, with over 150 people attending.  The local rock and roll band, JUDI supplied all the tunes, donating their time for the party and has played for SDS at other times in the past. 

SDS rock n roll party August 3013 (2)

All three Prowers County Commissioners and some of their family members also attended.  Along with all the music, swimming and picnic snacks, a costume party highlighted the event.

SDS rock n roll party August 3013 (3)

  There were three categories for prizes, according to Engsburg for Client, Staff and Guest.  Gabe Morales won for client, his brother, Beto Morales won for guest and Mykinthia Ebron won for staff.

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