Public Service Announcement – Mandatory Water Restrictions

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Public Service Announcement

At their regular City Council meeting Monday, May 13, 2013, Council made the decision to implement Stage 2 Mandatory watering restrictions. The City of Lamar would like to extend a sincere “Thank You” to all of our customers for their conscientious use of water during the mandatory restriction period. Remember, water is a precious resource in Colorado – use it wisely!


o Stage 2 – Mandatory restrictions – Restrict days and hours – Watering of landscape (i.e. flowers, flower beds, lawns, trees, shrubs, vegetable gardens, and plants) for properties located east of the centerline of U.S. Hwy 287, also known as Main Street, is permitted only on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. For properties located west of the centerline of Hwy 287 on Saturday, Monday and Wednesday and only from 12:00 am (Midnight) until 6:00 am and 6:00 pm until 12:00 pm (Midnight) on the designated days.

o Restricted water uses:
Water shall not be used to wash sidewalks, walkways, patios, driveways, parking areas or other impervious surfaces. Property owners shall be required to monitor their irrigation systems to ensure that excess landscape water is not allowed to spray onto or run off onto impervious surfaces such as sidewalks, driveways, streets or alleyways.

Limited Water Uses:

1. Washing of private vehicles is permitted only by use of a hose with a positive shutoff nozzle or by use of a bucket. At all times during the vehicle washing procedure, the vehicle must be parked on a grassy area.

2. The within Stage 2 Mandatory water use restrictions are effective as of the date the Lamar City Council adopts this Resolution.

3. All users connected to the municipal water system inside and outside the City limits shall abide by all rules of the Mandatory Water Use Restrictions. Special use permits may be granted for special uses such as, but not limited to, organized sports events, the municipal pool, the golf course “greens maintenance”, cemetery burials, permitted and organized social events or other events requiring the need for water use during the restricted hours. Such Special Use Permit shall be requested through the Director or the Water & Wastewater Department and may be approved by the City Administrator.

4. The within Stage 2 Mandatory water use restrictions shall remain in effect until modified by subsequent resolution adopted by the City Council pursuant to LMC §13-2-70,

The Stage 2 Watering Restrictions will begin May 14, 2013.

For question regarding the watering restrictions, please call 719-336-2002.

 Brought to you by: Colorado East Bank & Trust

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