2013 Feed My Starving Children Event at Lamar Community Building
Russ Baldwin | Apr 19, 2013 | Comments 0
“This will be the most fun you’ll ever have wearing a hairnet,” was the way the task of compiling food items was described for over 100 volunteers at the Lamar Community Building this past Thursday evening.
This weekend, as most of them did three years ago, volunteers will assemble 100,000 meals to be sent to thousands of starving children in developing countries. Feed My Starving Children is a non-profit Christian organization committed to bringing relief to thousands of children in 70 countries who are hungry in body and in spirit. Volunteers assemble and hand-pack the dry ingredients which are sent by FMSC once the packs are ready to go. Each meal costs 22 cents to produce.
In 2010, 609 volunteers packed away 106,920 meals over the three day effort. That fed 293 children for a year. This past Thursday evening, 140 volunteers donned hair nets and received a brief run down of the do’s and don’ts for sanitary precautions while the foods were assembled. Although everything is dry, they consisted of vitamins, vegetables, soy and rice.
All the ingredients were shipped in bulk bags and were then broken down to the four basic elements to be assembled. Pastor Rory Gillespie of the Lamar Ministerial Alliance said there was such a large turnout of volunteers that the number of assembling stations was increased to six from the four used in 2010. Hours of operation were from 5pm to 7pm on Thursday and Friday, with a mostly all-day event on Saturday. He added that the destination of the food was unknown until it was ready to be shipped. Haiti was the destination of the food items in 2010.
By Russ Baldwin
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