Mike Flower Donates $100,000 to Lamar Area Hospice

Mike Flower, a recognized entrepreneur based in California, donated $100,000 to Lamar Area Hospice to support their renovation project. Mike, son of Glen and Delores Flower, grew up in Lamar and attended high school with Deb Pelley, the director of Lamar Area Hospice. Mike, a big supporter of the Two Shot Goose Hunt, is also good friends with Robert and Rose Ann Yates. According to Yates, Mike made the donation in honor of his Dad, Glen, who loaned him the money to start his first business some thirty five years ago. Deb Pelley reported; “We had reached the point in the renovation project where we were weary to say the least, certainly overwhelmed. Moving forward was not as easy as one would think. The news of Mike’s donation was the very thing, at the very moment that pushed us forward. It was the momentum we needed and in trying times, momentum is everything! Mike has our heartfelt gratitude for his kindness and generous commitment to Lamar Area Hospice.”

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