Leo Hernandez Approved as New Lamar Utility Board Member


Leo Hernandez at Lamar Utility Board Meeting


Judge Larry Stutler administered the oath of office to Leo Hernandez, the newest Lamar Utility Board member Tuesday, February 12.  Hernandez’s application was approved by the Lamar City Council this past Monday.  He will serve a five year term and is filling the vacancy on the board that developed when John Munez’s term expired. 

The board conducted a brief meeting, approving purchase orders totaling $746,820.17 and payment of bills amounting to $195,909.76.  A bid for a 2013 pickup truck from Tri County Ford was approved.  This was a budgeted item amounting to $40,397.  The board also approved a quote for a replacement 25KV breaker for $25,200. 

Superintendent Houssin Hourieh noted the sale of electricity for January declined 9.46% compared to the same time last year.  Residential sales were off 3.9% and commercial/industrial sales were off 13.7%.  The two customer classifications amount to 95% of total sales for the month.  Revenue has dropped 14.4% for the time frame. 

The realignment of the utility board was recommended to stay the same as 2012 for election of chairman, vice-chair, attorney and superintendent, but because the board lacked a quorum, the agenda item was tabled until February 26 and approval of the last meeting minutes was also tabled until that time.  The board moved into executive session regarding legal questions regarding the WildEarth Guardian lawsuit and Lamar Repowering Project.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: BusinesscommunityEconomyEnergyFeaturedHollyLamarProwers CountyUtilities


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