Peddle Your Way into 2013

The cold can test your mettle with the yearly Polar Bear Pedal. New Year’s Day will mark the 18th annual Polar Bear Bicycle Ride, sponsored by the Lamar Parks and Recreation Department. It’s open to all ages, it starts at 1pm at the Lamar Community Building, it offers a free bowl of chili to each rider and it’s a nice way to spend an afternoon and get the new year off to a good start.

The Polar Bear Pedal will only be cancelled because of a blizzard; otherwise everybody rides the route for the afternoon. The forecast will play a role in the ride, as the length of the route will be determined by the weather of the day. Everybody that registers and rides also gets a free t-shirt. Register at the Lamar Parks and Recreation department and let them know your shirt size in advance. Call 719-336-2774 for more information or go to their website at

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