BBB Donate to SECCI

Jana Weimer, Jillian Tinnes and Tammy Turpin-Martinez present the donation to Cathy Buxton

On October 6, Lamar was overrun with tutu-clad runners in the “Beers and Brats for Boobies” 5K race.  The event took place in conjunction with Oktoberfest and aimed to raise funds for breast cancer awareness.  Even though Oktoberfest saw a drop in attendance due to the chilly weather, the 5k was still a success.  65 runners braved the weather to take part in the “brat eating, tutu wearing and beer drinking” race.

The race committee includes Jana Weimer, Jillian Tinnes, Tammy Turpin-Martinez, and Renee Beebe, who noted that the event raised $1765.00.  On Friday, November 30, they presented the donation to Cathy Buxton, the President of SECCI (Southeast Colorado Cancer Initiative).

See the previous article, Chilly Weather Deters Crowds at Oktoberfest, for more information on the race and Oktoberfest activities.

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