Stockings for Soldiers

Christmas Stockings Being Prepared for Overseas Shipment

Last Christmas almost 350 overseas soldiers received a surprise gift for their holiday, a Christmas stocking filled with items supplied by local residents, various organizations and coordinated by Peacock Funeral Chapel in Lamar.

Those efforts are being duplicated again this year with the free stockings available from Peacock Funeral Chapel on South 4th Street in Lamar.  The deadline for returning the filled stockings is this weekend, but last minute arrivals would still be welcomed.  Once the stockings have been filled they have to be delivered to the Post Office in Lamar for overseas shipment and customs forms need to be filled out for each box that makes the journey. 

Items such as batteries, cd’s, hard candy, lip balm, sanitizers, colognes and other durable and non perishable food items make the best type of gifts.  They need not be expensive, as most of the joy will be derived from the giving and receiving.   

Contact Peacock Funeral Chapel at 719-336-2234 and ask for Clay, John or Kathy for additional information.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: communityFeaturedLamarProwers CountyYouth


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