The Lamar Chamber of Commerce Honkers Visit to the New Partners for HOPE Center

The Lamar Chamber of Commerce Honkers pay a visit to the new Partners for HOPE Center – featured above, are several members of Partners for HOPE Board of Directors, teachers and volunteers and many of their wonderful students. The HOPE Center (formerly the Teen Center) has been providing a safe-haven for hundreds of Lamar students over the past eight years. The Partners for HOPE Center, is located in Lincoln School at 200 North 10th Street in Lamar. Their hours are Monday – Thursday, 4pm to 6pm for Elementary and Middle School students; 6pm to 8pm for Middle and High School Students; and Friday, 8am – 11am for Enrichment Activities, and 1pm to 4pm for Homework Help.
H.O.P.E., in the Partners for HOPE Center name stands for Health, Opportunity, Prevention & Education and their amazing staff and volunteers are certainly living up to their name. Daily there are tutors to work with students on homework and provide educational assistance and plenty of programs for the children to be physically active. Other enrichment classes provide a wide array of opportunity for the children to participate in music, art, and living healthfully. Thank you to Lori Hammer, Director, and all of the Partners for HOPE staff and volunteers for developing this amazing center for our youth. We appreciate all of the work that you do.

Photo by Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: Chamber/Local BusinesscommunityEducationEventsFeaturedLamarSchoolYouth


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