Chadron State College Rodeo Results

Keely Smith

Luke Baumann

The Lamar Community College Rodeo team competed at Chadron State College in Chadron, NE September 21-23. LCC’s Carter Coble won Steer Wrestling. Keely Smith finished 2nd in barrel racing and 5th in team roping with partner Luke Baumann. Sterling Molesworth and Seth Barber were 6th in team roping. 

The LCC Rodeo team will compete in Sheridan, WY, September 28-30, and will host the Antelope Stampede in Lamar, October 5-7.

Seth Barber

Sterling Molesworth

Carter Coble

Fred Sherwood
Head Rodeo Coach

2401 S. Main Street
Equine Complex, 112
Lamar, CO 81052
Tel: 719.336.1670
Cell: 719.688.1831
Fax: 719.336.1599

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