Indiana Bones visits Lamar Public Library

Indiana Bones (aka Mike McCartney) delights the audience with his stories

Indiana Bones (aka Mike McCartney) had the rapt attention of the children who took part in last Tuesday’s summer reading activity. Indiana Bones, combines history, archeology, paleontology, action, adventure and puppetry with ancient legends, mythology and folklore as he thrills and educates audiences with his unique storytelling abilities.

Indiana Bones spoke on topics such as ancient legends and mythology

Storyteller Indiana Bones, “Keeper of Legends” is an EMMY AWARD winning writer, producer and performing artist. A former PBS documentary producer/writer, TV personality, professional actor, Indy is now a full time professional storyteller. Indy believes that storytelling can be used as an effective teaching tool.

For more information on the 2012 Summer Reading Program call the library @ 719-336-4632

Filed Under: communityCountyEducationEntertainmentEventsLamarRecreationYouth


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