Steer-Aid Clinic Reservations Due

For immediate release

Steer-Aid clinic reservations due

ROCKY FORD – Youth are encouraged to sign up now for a hands-on beef clinic June 9-10.

Sullivan Supply’s new “Stock Show University” will be a part of WW Feed & Supply’s 2012 Steer-Aid clinic. Sullivan Supply’s “professor” will focus on showmanship, feeding and nutrition, daily hair and animal care, show day grooming, and how to achieve that championship look.

The clinic is open to all 4-H and FFA youth, said Curt Russell of WW Feed & Supply, who will lead the beef nutritional session. The reservation deadline is June 1.

A showmanship contest, with prizes from Bent-Prowers Cattle & Horse Growers Association, and jackpot show for clinic participants will wrap up the two-day clinic. For further details call 719-384-4463 or go

Filed Under: AgriculturecommunityEducationYouth


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