Food on the Mailbox

Lamar Post Office letter carriers are asking residents to leave a bag of non perishable food items at their mailbox for collection on Saturday, May 12.  The National Association of Letter Carriers, in conjunction with the U.S. Post Office, will collect donated food items from across the country this coming Saturday. 

Theresa Emick, a Lamar postal carrier said the food items collected in town go to local charities and organizations, usually Mary and Martha’s food pantry and the local Compassion Center.  “Our best year was about 3,000 pounds, but we usually collect about a ton on average,” Emick said, adding, “It can depend on the economy and on the weather.” 

Residents are asked to leave boxed and canned goods in a bag, usually at the base of their mailbox for easy retrieval.  Glass jars are apt to break, so mostly boxed and canned goods are easier to handle.  Help Stamp Out Hunger with your local contributions this Saturday, May 12.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: BusinesscommunityCountyEconomyFeaturedGranadaHealthHollyLamarWiley


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