Lamar Sales Tax Revenues Post Continued Gain

 February Sales and Use Taxes collected in Lamar indicated another gain.  City Sales Taxes were up 3.75% for a gain of $8,293.09 over last year at this time.  City Sales Tax collected to date is $229,676.04.  Total Sales and Use Tax collections were up 4.72% for the same period for an improvement of $11,012.85, for February collections at $244,462.09. 

Year-to-date City Sales Taxes collected were up a similar 3.59% for a gain of $27,249.57 compared to this time last year.  Total Sales and Use Tax Collections were up 3.14% for a Year-to-Date figure of $847,682.58 compared to $821,883.59 for the same time last year.  In either recording period, Use Taxes and Other Collections categories were down.

The majority of the twelve retail outlet, sales tax categories showed an increase over last year for Year-to-Date measurements. 

                                                                2010                    2011                  2012
Auto Parts/Repairs                         29,338.86             30,942.76             33,722.30
Building Materials                          18,520.85             15,193.30             21,140.07
Clothing/Shoes                                 7,889.92               8,029.59               8,528.00
C Stores/Gas                                  20,929.50             23,792.48             23,698.00
Department Stores                         275,429.92          276,213.50          284,448.85
Furniture/Appliance                           7,444.52               8,806.21              7,960.00
Grocery Stores                                  63,934.06             81,576.50           69,317.98
Motels                                                17,452.48             23,793.63           28,020.00
Liquor                                                 21,882.00             22,495.00           25,081.00
Manufacturing                                        834.79                   375.38             5,020.63
Other Retail                                        11,909.11             12,366.77          12,463.27
Restaurants                                        72,050.93             73,333.43          77,226.74



Filed Under: BusinessCitycommunityEconomyEmploymentLamarRecreationTourismUtilities


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