Easter Egg Hunt Set for 9am, Saturday, Willow Creek Park
Russ Baldwin | Apr 06, 2012 | Comments 0
The Easter Bunny will make her annual appearance at Willow Creek Park Saturday, April 7, at 9am (correct), with Easter eggs and assorted candy and prizes for area youth.
The Lamar Parks and Recreation Department host the annual event for kids ages 1 to 10 years old, and area merchants contribute to some of the goodies and prizes. There’s a special “golden egg” that contains some special prizes as well. Wal-Mart and McDonalds are contributing to the event. It’s suggested that parents bring a basket and a camera for a picture with a “special guest”.
As usual, the kids will hunt for eggs in appropriate age groups, so the one year olds don’t have to compete against kids who are older. Parents are also asked to urge the kids along in their egg-gathering, but refrain from helping your child pick up the eggs. It’s always more fun when the kids do it themselves. Remember, the correct time to gather is a little before 9am at the pool parking lot at Willow Creek Park, Saturday, April 7.
Filed Under: Lamar • Recreation • Youth
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