Entertainment and Fund Raising Highlight Commercial Club Meeting

The Holly Commercial Club Meets the First Wednesday of the Month at Noon

Fund raising efforts to buy a digital projector for the Holly Theater are gaining some ground.  The Holly Commercial Club reported during their monthly meeting, Wednesday, March 7, that to date, $42,180.35 had been raised against the goal of $100,000.  Several other fundraising events have been planned.  A Mexican food dinner will be held at the senior center, Sunday, March 25 from 11:30 to 1:30, and the Take 5 Jazz Band will perform at the theater at 2pm.  The $20 admission charge includes the meal and the music.  Future activities include donations from a percentage of proceeds from horse races in April.  Another concert has been planned at the theater on April 17.  A Holly alumni dance is set for Saturday, May 5 and raffle tickets will be sold for the drawing that night for a riding lawn mower and a push mower donated by Colorado Equipment.  Tickets may be purchased from alumni volunteers and at Colorado East Bank & Trust.  Some donated items will be auctioned to the audience and the Fulton St. Band will provide the music for the alumni dance that evening. 

Other entertainment news discussed during the Commercial Club meeting included an update from Jill Briggs on the annual Grand Ol’ Opry.  Only one performance will be scheduled this year due to a parking conflict with ongoing construction for the new school.  The featured performers for this year’s Opry include 2 Brick’s Short from Burlington, Teri Neigebauer along with other performers for the April 15 event.  The Opry starts at 2pm and tickets are $12.  Volunteers are needed to set up, tear down and serve.  The Alumni and Blue Grass committees need storage space for their tables and anyone who can help should contact the organizers.  The Blue Grass Festival is set for June 8-10 this year. 

Prowers County Commissioner Gene Millbrand recapped the way the county’s health department will deal with food issues for non-profit, fraternal, church organizations and other community group’s events.  Millbrand told the Commercial Club gathering, the health department will act only on complaints made from people who became ill from consuming foods prepared by those groups.  A food handling class is being scheduled for McClave and Jackie Brown, director of Prowers County Health and Environment will provide details.  The Holly Commercial Club meets at Noon the first Wednesday of every month at the Holly Methodist Church.

By Russ Baldwin


Filed Under: BusinessCommissionerscommunityCountyEconomyEntertainmentEventsFeaturedFestivalHollyRecreationTourism


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